Leather Cleaning Services can Help against Sun-Damaged Upholstery

Although sunlight is a rich source of vitamin D for our bodies, the same wreaks havoc on leather furniture. Prolonged exposure to sunlight not only causes discolouration, but it can also dry out your leather furniture—both of which are less than ideal scenarios that degrade the value and appeal of leather.

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Leather Cleaning Tips: The Dos and Don’ts of Leather Furniture Care

Leather is among the most sought-out materials for furniture. With their appearance, leather furniture adds pleasant aesthetics to a room. Leather is also highly durable, helping furniture last longer. That durability, though, doesn’t mean people should be lax about leather cleaning and care. Here are some dos and don’ts in caring for leather furniture.

Do: Regular Vacuuming and Dusting

Regularly dusting and vacuuming is a basic activity for caring for furniture, regardless if it’s fabric or leather. Leather won’t accumulate dust as fast as fabric, but it still needs that occasional date with your vacuum. This helps prevent the build-up of dust and dirt. Dust is removed by gently vacuuming the surface and crevices of the leather furniture.

Do: Entrust Serious Cleaning Needs to Experts

Even with regular dusting, time can take its toll on leather furniture. Accidents that lead to staining may also occur. These pieces can be restored to their previous condition, but this kind of cleaning requires a certain level of expertise. Service providers, such as ColourLock UK & Ireland, clean and refinish leather with the use of specialised care products and methods to restore leather items so they look like new.

Don’t: Ignore Stains

Compared to fabric furniture, leather is harder to stain, but it’s not completely immune. Even in the most careful of households, spilling food and drinks onto furniture does happen. Some people make the mistake of ignoring spillage. The area should be blotted right away with a dry, soft cloth to prevent stains from setting.

Don’t: Just Use Any Cleaning Product

Commercial cleaning products may do more harm than good to leather. It’s important to only use cleaners and protectors specifically made for leather. Consult a leather cleaning professional to learn which cleaners and protectors you should be using.


(Sofa Cleaning – Tips and Tricks, Cleanipedia)
Six Do’s and Don’ts to Maintaining Leather Furniture, ebay.com
Dos and don’ts of leather sofa care, property24.com